M31, The Andromeda galaxy + Giacomo Pro + Ha3nm, L-Pro, UV/IR Cut

source:Optolongpopularity:2269Release Time:2023-04-11

M31, The Andromeda galaxy + Giacomo Pro + Optolong Ha3nm, L-Pro, UV/IR Cut

Credit: Giacomo Pro (Italy)

The Andromeda galaxy (sometimes also known as the old large Andromeda nebula or catalogue acronyms M 31 and NGC 224) is a giant spiral galaxy about 2,538 million light years away from the earth in the direction of the Andromeda constellation, from which it is named. It's the largest galaxy that's closest to our own, the Milky Way galaxy. It is also visible to the naked eye and is one of the most distant objects to be seen without the use of tools.

Andromeda is the largest galaxy in the local group, a group of galaxies including the Milky Way and the triangle galaxy, plus about 50 other small galaxies, many of which are satellites of the major ones.

According to studies published in the 2000s, based on observations of the spitzer space telescope, it would contain about one billion stars (one thousand billion), more than the Milky Way, estimated at between 200 and 400 billion stars. However, opinions differ on the mass: some studies indicate a Milky Way mass value of 80% of that of Andromeda, while others argue that the two galaxies have similar mass sizes. However, some studies suggest that the Milky Way contains more dark matter and could thus be the one with the largest mass.


Light 18 x 600” filter: Optolong Astronomy Filter Ha 3nm
Light 56 x 600” filter: Optolong Astronomy Filter L-Pro
Light 100 x 30” filter: Optolong UV/IR cut
+dark, flat e darkflat
Camera: ZWO Astronomy Cameras Asi 294 mc pro
Telescope: Sharpstar 94 EDPH 517mm F5.5 reduced to 423mm F/4.4 Artesky
Guide camera: ZWO ASI Cameras 120 mini Filter CLS
Guide scope: 50-190mm
Mount: Skywatcher Eq 6-r Pro
Acquisition: ZWO ASIAIR plus
Software: Pixinsight – Photoshop
02-03-25/10/2022 Manduria (TA)
29/09/2022 – 15/10/22022 Torricella (TA)
