Deneb region Large Field of View + Olivier Ig + Optolong L-Pro

source:Optolongpopularity:1057Release Time:2023-06-17

Deneb region Large Field of View + Olivier Ig + Optolong L-Pro


Credit: Olivier Ig

EOS RF 28-70 F/2
Deneb region Large Field of View



Scope- Canon RF 28-70mm f/2L USM

Camera- CANON EOS R5
Mount- iOptron HEM27
Filter- Optolong L-Pro Clip
- PegasusAstro DSLR Buddy v2
- Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy N.I.N.A
- PixInsight
- Adobe PsP
Guiding & Camera
- None

Acquisition: Subs- 400x 25sec
Integration: - ~2,5h
Date- 2023/05/27
Site- Genève




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