The Andromeda Galaxy (Messier 31) + Stars Over Bucks + L-QEF (L-Quad Enhance Filter)

source:Optolongpopularity:1138Release Time:2023-10-31

The Andromeda Galaxy (Messier 31) + Stars Over Bucks + L-QEF (L-Quad Enhance Filter)

Credit: Stars Over Bucks


The Andromeda Galaxy (Messier 31) and two of its satellite galaxies (M32 & M110). I reprocessed this after not being completely happy with the colors of my first version. This is the closest major galaxy to our own galaxy at a distance of 2.5 million light years. It also has a similar size to our galaxy measuring 220,000 light years in diameter and containing 1 trillion stars. The galaxy is actually moving towards us at almost 200 miles per second and is expected to collide with our galaxy in 4 billion years! The satellite galaxys are much smaller elliptical galaxies, although even the smaller one (M32) measure 6500 light years across. @optolongfilter provided me a L-Quad enhance filter to try out and I’m impressed with the result given I shot this from my Bortle 6 backyard with a 60% Moon close by. The image is sharp and I don’t see any star halo issues, although I want to try out on some brighter stars. I will be posting comparisons to another broadband filter and no filter soon.

Telescope: Redcat 51
Camera: Zwo ASI2600MC Pro
Exposure: 110 x 4min
Mount: Zwo AM5
Guiding: ASI290mini, 30mm scope
Filter: Optolong L-Quad enhance
Software: APT, DSS, Pixinsight
Sky: Bortle 6

Hope you like it.




This is a crop and reprocess of the wider field image I posted a few days ago. Even at a 250mm focal length you can see quite a bit of detail.

Telescope: Redcat 51
Camera: Zwo ASI2600MC Pro
Exposure: 110 x 4min
Mount: Zwo AM5
Guiding: ASI290mini, 30mm scope
Filter: Optolong L-Quad enhance
Software: APT, DSS, Pixinsight
Sky: Bortle 6




Stay tuned! Click here for more TESTIMONIAL about Optolong filters.