The Bozzolo nebula (Cocoon) + Tommaso Massimo Stella + L-Pro

source:Optolongpopularity:895Release Time:2023-11-11

The Bozzolo nebula (Cocoon) + Tommaso Massimo Stella + L-Pro

Credit: Tommaso Massimo Stella (Italy)


The Bozzolo nebula (Cocoon) is about 3300 light years from our solar system and surrounds the open cluster IC 5146.
It is located in the constellation Swan and has been classified as an emission and reflection nebula.
A system of dark nebulae (B168) can be seen in the photo, which surrounds the Bozzolo and extends about 2 degrees in the direction of the star cluster M39.



Reprocessing of the Cocoon nebula with new techniques to highlight dust in areas of high stellar density. The Cocoon nebula is about 3300 light years from our solar system and surrounds the open cluster IC 5146. It is located in the constellation Cygnus and has been classified as an emission and reflection nebula. In the photo you can see a system of dark nebulae (B168) surrounding the Cocoon and extending for about 2 degrees in the direction of the M39 star cluster.
Technical data

Total integration: 15h, Sky Bortle 6
Lights: 885x40s (ZWO ASI 224) + 60x300s (Omegon veTEC571)
Skywatcher 200/800 Wide Photo + TS PhotoLine Triplet FPL53 102@564mm, Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 GT
Filters: Optolong Astronomy Filter L-Pro
