M45: The Pleiades + Cédric Humbert + L-Pro

source:Optolongpopularity:1244Release Time:2023-11-30

M45: The Pleiades + Cédric Humbert + L-Pro

Credit: Cédric Humbert (France)


Here's another wonder of the sky, M45: The Pleiades, an open star cluster in the constellation of Taurus, visible to the naked eye, which could make you think of a mini (large) bear 444 light years away.
Photo taken at the Colline de Sion to get the dark structures with the unfiltered camera and the stars are from a session with the Filtre L-Pro at home with the good light pollution of Nancy.




Imaging Telescopes Or Lenses: Askar FRA400
Imaging Cameras: ZWO ASI2600MC Pro
Mounts: ZWO AM5
Filters: Optolong L-Pro 2"
Accessories: Askar F3.9 Reducer for FRA400/500
Software: Adobe Photoshop · Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight

Acquisition details
Dates: Oct. 8, 2023 ·  Oct. 10, 2023
Frames: 87×300″(7h 15′)
Optolong L-Pro 2": 56×300″(4h 40′)
Integration: 11h 55′
Avg. Moon age:24.77 days
Avg. Moon phase: 23.99%
Basic astrometry details
Astrometry.net job: 8582951

RA center: 03h46m48s.7
DEC center: +24°06′39″
Pixel scale: 2.822 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: 76.843 degrees
Field radius: 2.874 degrees
