The Seven Sisters meet the Meteor + Vincent Cheng + L-QEF
source:Optolongpopularity:884Release Time:2024-01-09
The Seven Sisters meet the Meteor + Vincent Cheng + L-QEF
Credit: Vincent Cheng(不動明王) (Hongkong)
The Seven Sisters meet the Meteor
Date /Location :
17-18, SEP, 2023
DanXiaShan STARHOUSE, China(Bortle 4)
Camea : ASI294MC Pro (cooled at 0C)
Gain : 120
Telescope: William Optics RedCat 51 (250mm f4.9)
Filter : Optolong L-QUAD ENHANCE 2-inch
Mount: iOptron SmartEQ PRO+
Guide: ASI120MM mini, ZWO OAG
controlled by ASIAIR plus
Exposure: 180s X 80frames
w Dark Frames, Bias Frames, flat Frames
process w PI,PS CC
Credit: Vincent Cheng