M42 NEBULA & NGC 1977 + Mirko Tondinelli + L-QEF (L-Quad Enhance Filter)

source:Optolongpopularity:1059Release Time:2024-01-27

M42 NEBULA & NGC 1977 + Mirko Tondinelli + Optolong L-QEF (L-Quad Enhance Filter)

Credit:  Mirko Tondinelli (Italy)



Here is the first image obtained with the new Optolong Astronomy Filter L-QEF. Broadband filter with more selective characteristics than the L-pro filter. I must say that I shoot from a fairly polluted sky (Guidonia Montecelio, Rm) and until now I have always used the L-pro filter for broadband shots with good results. Shooting with this new filter, however, I noticed a better rendition of contrasts without distorting the colour rendition of the image too much.  I was especially surprised by this subject because it was shot under less than favourable conditions, both in terms of the usual IL present at my location and because M42 at this time and from my latitude did not rise more than 40° in the sky. In fact I started photographing it from 7.40 p.m. when it was at an altitude of just over 30°.
As the first light of this new filter, granted by Optolong to test it in my area, I was remarkably impressed.  There will certainly be further tests on galaxies and star clusters as well. 



Technical data of this photograph
Telescope: Skywatcher Newton 200/800 
Main camera: Omegon vTec 571 C
Guiding telescope: Skywatcher 80/400
Corrector/Reducer : Artesky x0.95 
Filter : Optolong L-QEF 2" filter
Guide Camera: Zwo Asi 224
Mount: Eq6 Mod rowan
Light : 42 Duration : 300" Gain : 100 Offset : 300
Light Core: 70 Duration: 10"
Dark: 40
Dark Core: 30
Flat :40
Datkflat: 40 
Location : Guidonia Montecelio ( Rm ) 
Bortle Scale : 6
Date: 12 January 2024
Shooting software: Sharcap, Apt, ph2 guiding
Processing software. : Pixinsight, Photoshop 
Enjoy viewing.