Comet 12P/ Pons-Brooks on the evening of March 11th + Stars Over Bucks + L-QEF (L-Quad Enhance Filter)

source:Optolongpopularity:793Release Time:2024-03-18

Comet 12P/ Pons-Brooks on the evening of March 11th + Stars Over Bucks + L-QEF (L-Quad Enhance Filter)

Credit: Stars Over Bucks (US)



Comet 12P/ Pons-Brooks on the evening of March 11th. The comet was 153 million miles away and getting closer. The comet appears a bit brighter than the last time I photographed it with a slightly longer tail. It will continue to get closer to the Sun over the next few weeks and become more difficult to see. There was only about 40 mins from the start of darkness after sunset to when the comet set in the northeast. The comet is magnitude 5.6 currently and can be seen with binoculars outside of the city. Very windy conditions made capturing this image a challenge. I’m hoping for some clear skies over the next couple of weeks, although the Moon is back in the sky which will make it more difficult to get a good image. 



Telescope: 8” RASA f/2
Camera: Zwo ASI2600MC Pr
Exposure: 17 x 1min
Mount: Zwo AM5 
Guiding: ASI120mini, 30mm scope
Filter: Optolong L Quad Enhanc
Software: ASI Air, DSS, Pixinsight 

Hope you like it.