SH2-155 The Cave Neubla + Giacomo Pro + L-QEF (L-Quad Enhance Filter)

source:Optolongpopularity:299Release Time:2024-08-10


Credit: Giacomo Pro (Italy)

Filter: Optolong L-QEF (L-Quad Enhance Filter)


Also known as the Cave Nebula or C 9 is an emission nebula visible in the constellation Cepheus.
It is located four degrees SSE of the star ι Cephei, not far from the border with the constellation Cassiopeia and M52; it appears as a very faint object, visible with powerful instruments or in long-exposure photos.
The nebula appears as an inhomogeneous set of bright and dark nebulous parts; the northern part is the least obscured and shows the characteristic reddish colours typical of HII regions. The southern part, on the other hand, is affected by local dimming; the most notable dark nebula, which gives the complex its name Cave Nebula, is located in the western corner. A short distance from this is a small reflection nebula, known as LNB524, which surrounds a group of ninth-magnitude stars. 
The distance of the nebula complex is estimated at 2400 light years from the Solar System.




Light 121 x 300’ filter: Optolong Astronomy Filter L-QEF
Camera: Asi 294 mc pro 
Telescope: Sky-Watcher Quattro 200P + SW Coma corrector 1X
Guide camera: Asi 120 mini
Guide scope: 60 - 320 mm
Mount: Skywatcher Eq 6-r Pro
Acquisition: Asiair Plus
Software: DSS - Pixinsight - Photoshop
Shots: 05-06/07/2024 
Location: Stigliano (MT) ITALY
SQM: 21.07