[Starry Story] Emmanuel Delgadillo ( Mexico)

source:Optolongpopularity:5014Release Time:2023-05-26

[Starry Story] Emmanuel Delgadillo ( Mexico)




Hello my name is Emmanuel Delgadillo. also known as Astrono-mono.
I am 36 years old and I am originally from Jalisco Mexico.





I am a Communications and Electronics Engineer, I have specialized in astronomical instrumentation. He currently serves as president of the Guadalajara Astronomical Society. 

I also teach some astrophotography courses at the Academy of Astroimaging and direct the Guadalajara Mobile Planetarium project. I also perform service and corrective maintenance to telescopes, astronomical equipment, I manufacture some accessories for astrophotography as well as the design and construction of observatories for amateurs.


►My Beginnings in Astrophotography

From a very young age I was interested in space, my parents frequently took me to the planetarium in my city, as an adult I was part of the television channel at my university, there I learned to use cameras,  once looking for video and photography equipment, I came to a store where they also sold telescopes and out of curiosity I bought oneand the first thing I saw was Jupiter, I quickly took the camera and that's where it all started.

Something that has marked me and that without a doubt is what has motivated me the most to continue in astronomy is seeing the astonished faces of the little ones when they observe something in the telescope. during the activities of the Guadalajara Astronomical Society


In addition to the great Friends that I have found there, always willing to support and disseminate astronomy




Me and my wife's taste for astrophotography reached such a level that we decidedbuilt an observatory at home, Despite having a polluted sky (7 -8 bortle) it is very easy to take shots using filters. And having our observatory allows us to make the most of the available nights, this has definitely made a difference.



One of the main problems that I have faced is that in my country it was very difficult to get adequate astronomical equipment, it has not been until a couple of years ago that I was finally able to do astrophotography with really dedicated equipment. Previously I used modified and cooled reflex cameras myself in conjunction with telephotos.





 ►My Current Equipment




Takahashi Épsilon 180ED,

Sharpstar 15028HNT,

red cat51,

Meade 12 "ACF, SN10",

Telephoto lenses: Canon 500f 4.5L USM  &  samyang135f2

Cameras: ZWO ASI6200MM-Pro ZWO ASI2600MC pro ZWO ASI183MCpro ASI462MC and 120MM Canont4i,80D and Sony A5000

EQ mounts: CGEPRO, CGEM, EQM35pro

Filters: Optolong Lpro, L enhance, Lextreme, CLS, UHC and SII-Ha-OIII 12 nm filters

My Favorite Filters:  Lenhance & L extreme

 In the near future I intend to grow our observatory, continue taking photos, learning and improving my technique as well as the equipment.





►My Image of Gallery

SH2-380  Dolphin head  Nebula

37x300s using   Optolong L enhance Filter   

telescope Sharpstar 15028HNT / ASI2600MCpro -10°

mount : cgem








California Nebula
30x 180 seconds
Sharpstar 150 f 2.8HNT
Main Cámera ZWOASI2600 MCPRO
 L enhaNce Filter  mount CGEM Guidescope  orion80edCF as462mc





Collage of some of my Images taken during 2022





Heart Nebula
50x 120s

Optolong Filter User L enhaNce


Sharpstar 150 28HNT

guided cgem orion 80edcf

APP Pixinsight Astropanel







Rosetta Nebula
18x 500 RGB (L enhaNce) from City
Celestron Cgepro
guidescope orion 80edcf







North America /Pelican nebula  HOO (Forax  custom Modified)
20x300 Ha
20x300 OIII
Optolomg Filters
main scope: canon 500 f4,5L
CGEpro Mount
ZWOASI6200 MM-pro
ZWO ef adapter
ZWO 120MM-S guide
20 darks 20 flats 20 bias
APP Pixinsight + starspikes






Messier 78
FiltroOptolong L-pro 2"
Sharpstar 135 28HNT
ZWO ASI2600MCpro -10
asi air zwo eaf zwo efw guidescope orion 80edcf zwo asi 264





M24 - NGC 2359- M81 & M82  collage  taken during april 2023






Collage Messier 42  - IC 2177 - NGC 2264
All images Using Optolong L enhance Filter
Sharpstar 15028HNT  Cgepro mount  Astropixelprocessor / pixinsight






Monkey Head Nebula SHO (sharpstar 150f2.8) – Veil nebula HOO (samyang 135 f2)  – Crecent nebula HOO ( samyang 135 f2)
 Filters   Optolong        ZWO ASI6200MM-pro








71x 180seconds exposure using  Optolong L enhance filter
Takahashi Epsilon 180 ED
main camera zwo asi 2600MCpro -10° Cgem mount




Thank you. 

Photo & Article:  Emmanuel Delgadillo