Stars, Tents, and Coffee under the Milky Way Galaxy + Sammax Chong + Optolong L-Pro
source:Optolongpopularity:1114Release Time:2023-06-26
Stars, Tents, and Coffee under the Milky Way Galaxy + Sammax Chong + Optolong L-Pro
Image Credit: Sammax Chong (Malaysia)
light pollution levels - 4
Location - KKB / Malaysia
Camera - Nikon D7200(mod)
Lens - samyang 10mm F2.8
Tracking Mount - Vixen Polarie
Optolong L-Pro Clip-on filter
Exposure Time - 8 X 90s
no Dark Frames
ISO - 800
Aperture - f2.8
Foreground 2x 13s & Tent exposure bracketing
ISO - 800
Aperture - f2.8
Process - Sequator,PSLR PSCC