Shortlisted Works for 2024 Optolong Deep-Sky Astrophotography Competition

source:Optolongpopularity:1776Release Time:2024-12-27

Shortlisted Works for 2024 Optolong Deep-Sky Astrophotography Competition



We are glad to announce that the 6th Optolong Deep-Sky Astrophotography Competition 2024 ended in a success. There are 687pcs different wonderful works of submissions from all over the world.

We really appreciate for these 341 contributors who come from 76 different countries.  




Distribution of submitted works of 2024 Optolong Deep-Sky Astrophotography Competition.



After the first round of selection, we are very pleased to announce the Shortlisted Works here.

370 pieces of works were shortlisted for DeepSky Category and SolarSystem Category for the 2024 Optolong Deep-Sky Astrophotography Competition.

Congratulations to all of you!!!

Now let's announce their work No, photographer, and country. 


Shortlisted works for DeepSky Category  of 2024 Optolong Deep-Sky Astrophotography Competition, 293pcs in total. 




Shortlisted works for SolarSystem Category of 2024 Deep-Sky Astrophotography Competition, 77pcs in total.   



Congrats again, Dear All!!!


All the shorlisted works will be scored by five expert judges from 27th December to 9th January 2025. Finnal winners will be released on 15th January 2025! Stay tuned!!!



Thank you for your attention.

Optolong Team