2021 NEAF and Optolong
source:Optolongpopularity:3138Release Time:2021-04-08
2021 NEAF and Optolong
Optolong will experience 2021 NEAF, the Virtual Astronomy and Space Expo on 10th. April, only one day.
The worlds largest and most exciting event. We are going to joint with dealer Camera Concepts and Telescopes and Telescopes Canada in the show. Any suprise? Let's see... https://neafexpo.com #2021neaf
If you want to try Optolong item, kindly find below link for reference.
Camera Concepts and Telescopes: https://www.cameraconcepts.com/optolong-l-enhance-light-pollution-dual-band-pass.html
Telescopes Canada: https://telescopescanada.ca/collections/filters-related?constraint=optolong
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