Shortlisted Works of 2021 Optolong Deep-Sky Astrophotography Competition

source:Optolongpopularity:2712Release Time:2021-12-31

Shortlisted Works and Voting for the "Top 6 Popularity Award"of 2021 Optolong Deep-Sky Astrophotography Competition


Hello everybody, we are happy to announce that the shortlisted works of 2021 Optolong Deep-sky Astrophotography Competition. 

The event of 2021 Optolong Deep-Sky Astrophotography Competition ended on 20th. December 2021 in a success. There are 410 pieces of works in total what created by 179 contributors from 41 countries. 

Appreciate for all efforts and participation.


After the first round of selection, a total of 247 pieces of works were short listed. The shortlists have been organized and uploaded to the GOOGLE ALBUM-"Shortlisted Works Exhibition of 2021 Optolong Deep-Sky Astrophotography Competition, VOTE YOUR FAVORITES "LIKE" ". Click here to review all shortlists:

In the meanwhile, the voting for the "Top 6 Popularity Award" begins from today (31/12/2021) till 6th. January 2022. The number of LIKES is subject to our statistics on January 7th.

Come on, PRESS LIKE directly on the image once you meet some favorate ones.  
Thanks again for your attention! Let's move on~