WR 134 HOO Wolf rayet star variable + Tondinelli Mirko +L-eXtreme

source:Optolong popularity:2132Release Time:2023-02-08

WR 134 HOO Wolf rayet star variable


Credit:  Tondinelli Mirko (Italy)

WR 134 HOO Wolf rayet star variable

  •Equipment used:  - Telescope : Sky-Watcher Explorer 200P
  -Capture camera: Zwo Asi 294 mc Pro
  -Frame: Sky-Watcher EQ6 mod Rowan
  -Filters: Optolong L-eXtreme 2"
  -Accessories: Artesky 0.95x coma corrector
  -Software: SharpCap• Apt• PixInsight• Photoshop
  -Guiding telescope: Sky-Watcher 80/400
  -Driving camera: ZWO ASI224MC

  •Data sheet:

  -Light: 94×300″
  -Dark: 30
  - Flat: 30
  -Dark Flat: 30

  • Date and Place:
 08 August 2022, Guidonia Montecelio (Rome)
 20 August 2022, Pozzaglia Sabina (Rieti).

The realization of this photo took place by combining two sessions. One made from a polluted sky with Bortle scale 6 , Guidonia Montecelio which is located near Rome. The other session was carried out in Pozzaglia Sabina where I can enjoy an averagely good sky with a Bortle 4.1 scale

 Processing method:

 Pixinsight: after having separated the master into the three R, G and B channels with Channel extraction, I performed the Linear fit process using the green channel as a reference. At this point I recreated the image with Channel combination.
 Performed gradient reduction with the DBE process.
 Extracting the luminance and after having stretched it I used it to perform the deconvolution, placing the mask both on the image itself to protect the sky background, and in the deconvolution process in the appropriate item to protect the stars and not let out artifacts.
 I did a first noise reduction with the still linear phase NoiseXTerminator process.
 Minimum stretch with Arcsihn to bring out the color of the stars, after which I finished the strwtch phase with Histogram Transformation.
 Finally I ran the StarXTerminator process to separate the nebular part from the stars.


 Once I took the nebular image file, I continued to stretch with the Curve action, then following a new application method, I boosted the oxygen 3 and the halfa separately.
 I then gave three-dimensionality with camera raw with the "clarity" and "texture" actions.
 Image balancing with "selective color correction" .
 I first treated the image of the stars with pixinsight by performing the SCNR process, then by inverting the image I gave SCNR again. In this way I gave a balanced star since with the l-extreme filter they were all unbalanced.
 Then with Photoshop I gave "Saturation and Vibrance".


WR 134 on APOD