Final Results of Optolong new product L-QEF experience officers!!!

source:Optolongpopularity:1871Release Time:2023-10-09

Final Results of Optolong L-Quad Enhance Filter (L-QEF) New Product Experience Officers Announcement


We really appreciate all of the participants. It's amazing that there are total 112 applications in this event. We are very humbled to receive so many outstanding and incredible contributors. Thank you so much for your interest and love for L-Quad Enhance Filter. heart
The quad bandpass light pollution suppression filter L-QEF will be released tomorrow( October 10). Stay tuned. Don't forget to give it a try!
Now, Let's welcome 10 product experience officers of L-QEF. 

►Lee Pullen( UK)

►Humbert Cedric(France)

►Sven Wischmann(Germany)

►Peter Komatovic (Slovenia)

►Peter Proulx(US)

►Joe Des(Irland)

►Spilios Asimakopoulos (US)


►Luca Bartek(Switzerland)

►Stefan Nilsson (Sweden)


Optolong L-QEF product will be shipped within 3days.

If any query, contact us freely.




Optolong team