Sh2 155 - Cave Nebula + Gaëtan Mxt + LRGB HA3nm

source:Optolongpopularity:858Release Time:2023-11-30

Sh2 155 - Cave Nebula + Gaëtan Mxt + Optolong LRGB HA3nm

Credit: Gaëtan Mxt (France)


This is my first real project with my new setup, i'm rather satisfied overall even if i think that in terms of processing there is always room for improvement.... I hope you like it, i reallay tried to focus on every detail, whether it be acquisition or processing.





Imaging Telescopes Or Lenses: TS-Optics N-AG12 Newtonian Astrograph
Imaging Cameras: ZWO ASI6200MM Pro
Mounts:Sky-Watcher EQ8-R Pro
Optolong Blue 2" · Optolong Green 2" · Optolong H-Alpha 3nm 2" · Optolong Luminance 2" · Optolong Red 2"
Accessories: TS-Optics NEWTON Coma Corrector 1.0x (TSGPU)
Software: Adobe Photoshop · Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight · Siril Team Siril


►Acquisition details
Dates: Sept. 4, 2023 ·  Sept. 5, 2023 ·  Sept. 6, 2023 ·  Sept. 7, 2023 ·  Sept. 9, 2023
Optolong Blue 2": 86×120″(2h 52′)
Optolong Green 2": 90×120″(3h)
Optolong H-Alpha 3nm 2": 105×180″(5h 15′)
Optolong Luminance 2": 136×300″(11h 20′)
Optolong Red 2": 90×120″(3h)
Integration: 25h 27′
Avg. Moon age: 21.88 days
Avg. Moon phase: 52.75%
RA center: 22h56m21s.374 
DEC center: +62°28′37″.29 
Pixel scale: 0.649 arcsec/pixel 
Orientation: -25.784 degrees 
Field radius: 0.893 degrees
WCS transformation: thin plate spline
Resolution: 8316x5354
File size: 28.3 MB
Data source: Backyard