Nebular complex NGC 7822 + Massimo Di Fusco + L-Ultimate, L-eXtreme, Ha3nm,OIII 3nm

source:Optolongpopularity:995Release Time:2023-11-30

Nebular complex NGC 7822 + Massimo Di Fusco + Optolong L-Ultimate, L-eXtreme, Ha3nm,OIII 3nm

Credit: Massimo Di Fusco (Italy)


I have lost count of how many times I have photographed and, above all, processed this nebula, but here I wanted to do something different. In fact, in this case, I put together all my shots from 2023 (taken with 2 different telescopes) with those of my "astro-delusional" friends Alessandro and Lino in order to reach a sufficient depth to go as deep as possible into this "stellar nursery". 
The subject is the nebular complex NGC 7822, also known as the Devil's Head Nebula, for which we accumulated almost 60 hours of total exposure. I am very pleased with the result, I hope you like it too.



Telescopes: Konus 200/1000 @960mm, Sky-Watcher Evostar ED80 @480mm, Askar FRA600 @600mm and Svbony SV503 102/714 @570mm 
Chambers: Qhyccd Qhy168c, Qhy294c and Qhy268m
Mounts: Sky-Watcher Eq6r Pro (x2) and AzEq6r

Filters: Optolong H-Alpha 3nm 2" · Optolong L-eXtreme 2" · Optolong L-Ultimate 2" · Optolong OIII 6.5nm 2" · UV/IR Cut 2"
Artesky 0.95x coma corrector (ART-COMACORR) · Artesky 2" 0.8x Reducer · ZWO EAF
Adobe Photoshop · Aries Productions Astro Pixel Processor (APP) · Luc Coiffier DeepSkyStacker (DSS) · Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight · Stefan Berg Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy (N.I.N.A. / NINA)

►Filters and poses
  Optolong L_Ultimate 57x600" and 113x300", 
  Optolong L_eXtreme 69x600", 
  Optolong H-alpha 3nm 64x600", 
  Optolong OIII 3nm 83x600"  
  UV/IR-cut 104x30"   
  Integration: 55h 47′
Softwares: N.I.N.A., DSS, APP, PixInsight, PS
Locations: Ferrara, Orbassano (TO) and Sannicola (LE)  
Resolution: 3159x2076
File size: 1.9 MB
Data source: Backyard    

