The incredible Orion Nebula and Running Man nebula, Messier 42-43 and NGC 1977 + Stars Over Bucks + L-QEF (L-Quad Enhance Filter)

source:Optolongpopularity:1238Release Time:2023-11-30

The incredible Orion Nebula and Running Man nebula, Messier 42-43 and NGC 1977 + Stars Over Bucks + Optolong L-QEF (L-Quad Enhance Filter)

Credit: Stars Over Bucks (US)


The incredible Orion Nebula and Running Man nebula, Messier 42-43 and NGC 1977. This is the closest major star forming region to the Earth at 1300 light years away and measures 24 light years across. This is also one of the brightest deep sky objects, visible with the naked eye even from the suburbs and an easy binocular or small telescope target. This is a broadband image captured from my backyard using almost 300 one minute exposures.

I added in 5 s exposures to make sure I don’t overexpose the core. 



Telescope: 8” RASA f/2
Camera: Zwo ASI2600MC Pr
Exposure: 290 x 1min, 30 x 5s
Mount: Zwo AM5 
Guiding: Meade ASI120mini, 30mm scope
Filter: Optolong L Quad Enhance
Software: ASI Air, DSS, Pixinsight 

