Messier 78 + Tommaso Massimo Stella + L-QEF/L-Pro filters

source:Optolongpopularity:917Release Time:2024-01-15

Messier 78 + Tommaso Massimo Stella + Optolong L-QEF/L-Pro filters

Credit: Tommaso Massimo Stella (Italy)


1600 light years away from us, near Orion's belt, one can observe a multitude of colours generated by the coexistence of a group of nebulae of various natures (emission, reflection, dark).
Messier 78 is one of the brightest and bluest of the reflection nebulae, to the left you can make out what looks like a 'Pac Man ghost' and may be a small reflection nebula although I do not know how it is catalogued.
The region is 1600 light years away from our solar system and extends for about 4.
The shots were taken in December 2023 and January 2020 near Maruggio (TA) with two different cameras but the same telescope.
1600 light years away from us, near Orion's belt, we can observe a multitude of colours generated by the coexistence of a group of nebulae of various natures (emission, reflection, dark).
Messier 78 is one of the reflection ones, among the brightest and bluest in colour, on the left you can see what looks like a 'Pac Man ghost' and it could be a small reflection nebula although I don't know how it is catalogued.
The region is 1600 light years from our solar system and extends for about 4.
The lights were taken in December 2023 and January 2020 in Taranto (Italy) with two different cameras but the same telescope.



Technical data
Sky: SQM 20.4
Lights: 127x300s RGB (2020) + 55x300s L (mono 2023)
Telescope: TS PhotoLine FPL53 Triplet 102 @ f/7
Cameras: QHY 294m Pro (2023) + ZWO ASI 294mc Pro (2020)
Mount: Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 GT
Filters: Optolong Astronomy Filter L-QEF (L-2023), Optolong L-Pro (RGB-2020)


Hope you like it.