RCW53c in the Carina burbs + Logan Carpenter + SHO-3nm

source:Optolongpopularity:688Release Time:2024-03-23

RCW53c in the Carina burbs + Logan Carpenter + Optolong SHO-3nm

Credit:  Logan Carpenter


Searching for something to image, I noticed a bright area of nebulosity just on the outskirts of the Carina nebula (in the burbs ) that looked disturbingly like a face staring into the glow of  Carina  (see mouseover version). 
I subsequently found out that this area is apparently referred to as RCW53c and is not a frequently imaged area despite being so close to the more flashy Carina nebula.  
As the subs came in I could see rich areas of Ha which, in places, looked to have an 'aura' of Oiii. Plenty of Sii was also present.
My image is in SHO, processed to try and show all the interesting features present in RCW53c, including the wisps of dark nebulosity present.



Imaging Telescopes Or Lenses: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED
Imaging Cameras: ZWO ASI2600MM Pro
Mounts: iOptron CEM120
Filters: Optolong H-Alpha 3nm 2" · Optolong OIII 3nm 2" · Optolong SII 3nm 2"
Accessories: Pegasus Astro Falcon Rotator · Pegasus Astro Powerbox Advance · ZWO EFW 7 x 2″
Software" Adobe Photoshop · Open PHD Guiding Project PHD2 · Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight · Stefan Berg Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy (N.I.N.A. / NINA)
Acquisition details
Optolong H-Alpha 3nm 2": 60×600″(10h)
Optolong OIII 3nm 2": 29×600″(4h 50′)
Optolong SII 3nm 2": 57×600″(9h 30′)
Integration: 24h 20′
RA center: 10h35m49s.49
DEC center: -60°40′38″.10
Pixel scale: 1.198 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: 89.012 degrees
Field radius: 0.919 degrees
WCS transformation: thin plate spline
More info:Open 


Hope you like it.