NGC 7635_M52 & Sh2-157 + Mirko Tondinelli & Riccardo Sgaramella + L-UItimate 3nm Dual Band

source:Optolongpopularity:398Release Time:2024-10-29

NGC 7635_M52 & Sh2-157

Credit: Mirko Tondinelli  & Riccardo Sgaramella (Italy)

Filter: Optolong L-UItimate 3nm Dual Band Filter





NGC 7635_M52 & Sh2-157

Hello everyone. This image was created in collaboration with my astrophile friend Riccardo Sgaramella, with whom we combined shots taken on this magnificent complex of objects between Cepheus and Cassiopeia.

NGC 7635 (sometimes known as the Bubble Nebula or C 11) is a diffuse nebula visible in the constellation Cassiopeia, towards the border with Cepheus. It is detectable very close to the open cluster M52, to the point that at low magnifications it appears in the same field of view; its main feature is a ‘bubble’ of emptiness surrounded by a nebula, visible with powerful instruments in the southern part of the object, caused by the stellar wind of the young central star, of magnitude 8.7. In an amateur telescope, however, the nebula, which appears to end in an arc shape to the south, is well revealed.

Sh2-157 is a faint-emitting nebula of considerable size visible in the constellation Cassiopeia; it is located on the Perseus Arm and is directly connected with the large OB Cassiopeia OB2 association. The northern part of the cloud has a ring shape, caused by the stellar wind action of several giant stars, while the southern sector appears to be excited by the bright radiation of spectral class stars.
Within it is a cluster of very young stars, representing the latest generation of a star formation process that includes the Cas OB2 association itself and the nearby open cluster NGC 7510






Telescopes Acquisition:
Tecnosky 90/540 FPL55 OWL
TS-Optics Photoline 72mm f/5.5 FPL-53 ED
Acquisition Camera:
Omegon veTEC 571 C
Sky-Watcher EQ6 Pro
Optolong Astronomy Filter L-Ultimate 2’
Tecnosky Flattener 1x Full Frame for 115/800
Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight/ Photoshop
Guiding telescopes:
Artesky Ultraguide 60
Guide Cameras:
Acquisition details:
09 October 2024
11 October 2024
Optolong L-Ultimate 2": 70×300,″(5h 50′)
Optolong L-Ultimate 2": 120×600,″(20h)
25h 50′

Hope you like it.