Ngc2237 Rosette Nebula 23 April 2023 APOD + Luca Dinoi + LRGBSHO-3nnm

source:Optolongpopularity:1423Release Time:2023-04-25

Ngc2237 Rosette Nebula  23 April 2023 APOD + Luca Dinoi + Optolong LRGB SHO-3nnm


Rosetta Nebula Ngc2237

Credit: Luca Dinoi (Italy)

The Rosetta Nebula (also known as the catalogue names NGC 2237 and C 49) is large, roughly circular H II region located on the edge of a giant molecular nebula in the constellation Unicorn. 

The nebula has an angular diameter of 1.3° and is 1600 parsec (about 5200 light-years) from the Solar System; It is approximately 100 light -years dimensions. 

At the center of the Rosetta Nebula is a brilliant open cluster known as NGC 2244; the blue stars of the cluster, which are part of the O8 association known as Monoceros OB2, emit ultraviolet radiation, which excites the nebula's gas causing it to emit red light. It is believed that the stellar wind from the group O and B stars expert pressure on the interstellar cloud causing a compression, followed by star formation; in fact, many Bok globes were observed in the region, believed to be the home of star formation. 



Instrumentation:Telescopes Or Acquisition Objectives
Tecnosky APO Triplet 115/800

Acquisition Chambers: Omegon veTec 571 M
Mount :iOptron CEM70G
Filters: Optolong Blue 2″ Optolong Green 2″ Optolong H-Alpha 3nm 2″ Optolong Luminance 2″ Optolong OIII 3nm 2″ Optolong Red 2″ Optolong SII 3nm 2″
Accessories: Primaluce Lab SESTO SENSO 2, WandererBox Ultimate V2, WandererCover V3, WandererRotator Mini

Software:Adobe Photoshop Han K. Astrometric STAcking Program (ASTAP) iOptron ASCOM Driver and Commander Planewave Platesolve2 Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight Stark Labs PHD Guiding Stefan Berg Nighttime Imaging ‘N’ Astronomy (N.I.N.A. / NINA)

Telescopes Or Guide Objectives: Omegon 90/500
Guide: Omegon veLOX 224 C
