Gemini Full of Stars + Ade Wang + Optolong L-Pro filter

source:Optolongpopularity:193Release Time:2024-11-27

Gemini Full of Stars

Credit: Ade Wang (China)

Filter:  Optolong L-Pro Sony-FF clip-in filter




Taken on 14 December 2023 at Yadan “Devil City”, Jiuquan, Gansu Province. I captured a total of 238 meteors on the night of the extreme value, and I have put more than 70 in this picture.



►Equipment and acquisition details
Camera: Sony A7R Mod+A7R+A7M3
Lens: Sony 20mm f/1.8+14mm f/1.8
Filter: Optolong L-Pro Sony-FF clip-in filter
Parameters: basemap a7r mod + lpro + lee1 soft focus 14mm f1.8 iso2000 equator 30s 12 shots stacked
Meteor a7r+Sony 201.8 a7r+141.8 a7m3+141.8 Meteor caught by three cameras f1.8 iso10000 10s
Credit: Ade Wang